Garn-St Germain Act
The 1982 Act aimed to ease pressures on depository institutions as the Fed acted to curb inflation
Recession of 1981-82
This economic downturn was triggered by tight monetary policy in an effort to fight inflation
Monetary Control Act
The 1980 Act was one of the most important laws to affect the Fed in its 100-year history
Savings and Loan Crisis
The 1980s was a period of distress for the financial sector, especially savings and loans
Fed’s Anti-Inflation Actions
In 1979, Fed Chairman Paul Volcker announced new anti-inflation measures
Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act
Commonly called Humphrey-Hawkins, the 1978 Act set new goals for the nation’s economic policymakers
Oil Shock of 1978-79
The second oil shock of the 1970s was associated with events in the Middle East
Federal Reserve Reform Act
This 1977 law was instrumental in shaping the current Fed
Community Reinvestment Act
The Federal Reserve and other federal banking agencies have implemented the CRA since its passage in 1977
Oil Shock of 1973-74
An oil embargo in the early 1970s complicated the U.S. macroeconomic environment
Smithsonian Agreement
An attempt to rescue the Bretton Woods global monetary system in 1971
Gold Convertibility Ends
President Nixon's 1971 economic plan, sometimes referred to as "Nixonomics," ended gold convertibility and imposed wage and price controls